A few months ago, Mr. Ohama’s students reclaimed a wasteland space on their school’s campus and turned it into a garden. On the morning of April 24th the morning television show Good Day Sacramento came to do a live feature in our new school garden. They sent a reporter to interview students and Mr. Ohama and to show the progress we’ve made transforming a wasted space into a functioning garden for the school. The project, originally titled “The Wasteland Reclamation Project” will be renamed as “The Marion Mix School Garden” because construction of the garden has been completed and plants are now growing in the soil. It has been a long and rewarding experience. The students have seen their ideas turned into reality and are extremely proud of their garden accomplishments this year. The LPS team is, too!
Here’s the link: http://gooddaysacramento.cbslocal.com/video/category/spoken-word-good-day/3851422-mixing-the-soil/