LPS gets a new look! To celebrate the start of our 11th year, Letters to a Pre-Scientist got a makeover. You may have noticed that a few months ago we …
published in Math Values by Deanna Haunsperger https://www.mathvalues.org/masterblog/a-pen-pal-in-the-time-of-covid
We’re excited to bring you another story from one of our students, or pre-scientists, as we call them! The goal of this blog series is to share real experiences students …
published in PSPAG Quarterly by Ashleigh Johnstone http://www.psypag.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/PsyPag-117-WEB.pdf
published in Unootha https://www.unootha.com/unoothas-journal/meet-awis
The goal of this blog series is to provide STEM pen pals with inspiration and ideas from real letters written by STEM professionals. We asked our 2019-20 LPS teachers to …
This past summer, the Letters to a Pre-Scientist program’s mission got a refresh. Our original mission was to demystify STEM careers and empower all students to see themselves as future …
published in Hello Bio by Julie Wojnar https://www.hellobio.com/blog/letters-to-a-pre-scientist-inspiring-the-next-generation-of-scientists.html
published in Sail Magazine by Maryam Almheiri
published in Plantae by Prisca Meyer https://community.plantae.org/article/5537949573449779030/letters-to-a-pre-scientist#0/5549692622336951553
published in UDaily by Adam Thomas https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2020/august/students-professors-remote-education-high-middle-school-extension/
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