Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe that we’re already at the half way point of this school year. Students came back on January 5th and we’ve hit the ground running. Currently we’re studying meteorology and learning all about forecasting the weather. In just a few weeks we’ll be making weather predictions of our own. With all the crazy weather we’ve had lately it’s the perfect time to do this unit because our kids can actually collect and analyze all types of weather data. Students are very excited to set up our weather station (pictured below) later this week. (If you contributed to our DonorsChoose project in August you helped purchase this – thank you!)
Photo Dec 12, 2 51 15 PM
Before leaving for winter break students were so very excited to open each of your letters and write back. For many of my 5th graders, responding to your letters is a brand new experience. Students are getting better at writing and explaining their thoughts with each letter. Thank you scientists for teaching our students so much through your letters. If you are a meteorologist or study space please reach out about possibly having a Skype session with students in the next month – we’d love to have you!
Photo Jan 11, 11 10 13 PM
To further students knowledge of STEM careers, on the last letter opening day the students wrote down their pen pal’s name and career field then we put it on our STEM wall, a wall with a section for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. We discovered that many scientists have jobs that encompass more than just one of those areas. We’re going to add to this wall after the third round of letters and students will research their pen pals career then share it with our class.
You’ll be able to see students work by following along on Instagram – @msjorgenparker
Photo Jan 11, 11 22 18 PMThank you for all your time and effort writing to our kids!


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